She taught me at an early age to embrace people with compassion- giving people a chance, regardless.
She earned her degree at 40.
She knew the difference between hearing and listening.
She taught me how to deliver the story to each person instead of sing a song to a crowd.
She makes the best peach a berry cobbler…EVER!
She taught me how to find the lesson in the lost challenge, and remember it.
She knew when to drag arguments out of me- just to make me feel better. Now I know it was for her benefit, too.
She taught me the importance of having an opinion and appreciating those that don’t agree with it.
She reminded me to always pick my battles, and then fight like hell.
She taught me to fear hot wheel tracks…still do. Those taught me I could never out run her when I was in trouble…still can’t.
She quit smoking after many, many years of its stronghold…cold turkey.
She allowed me to find my way knowing I would get very lost a time or two; trusting I would find my way back.
She taught me of the importance of volunteering your time and respecting your community.
She amazes me with her patience…especially with her cross stitching.
She taught me how to say “I love you” and “I am sorry”; phrases never to take for granted, and only say them when you mean it… whole- heartedly.
She taught me how to cook with my senses, not with a book.
She taught me no matter how difficult the situation, it too will pass.
She was the original “Mama bear”… not only to the four of us, but to all our friends as well. Our home was always open.
She has reminded me- many times- never write down what you don’t want others to see, it will always come back to haunt you in one way or another (texts, posts, inboxes, e-mails, letters, memos). It took me a few slaps on the hand with this one… okay, it still happens.
This is only a small list of things I have learned from her. I could go on much longer. She still teaches me and molds me into what I am today. I am very proud to call her mom….
Oh one more thing….her hugs are the best.
Happy Mother’s Day, Moo. I love you!