No more excuses, Princess needs to get back in shape.
When I got home from work and got Bilbo settled, I decided to keep my promise I made to myself this morning and do my Jillian 20 Minute Workout on DVD (Pretty, my sis-in-law who had a baby 7 weeks before me, recommended it. Uh, Pretty & Princess are neither in the same age group nor fitness level…just sayin’). I got my weights and my cushy mat and I was ready to roll. Man child was holding Bilbo. Endless Pit was sitting in the chair watching my technique and Handsome was at the laptop trying not to distract, but encouraging nonetheless. So as I push the play button, I started going through different jumping jacks, lunges, weights, jump ropes, sit-ups and push-ups. In a nutshell…it was kicking my “baby mama” ass.
Man-child kept looking back at me, smiling and making it a point to tell me to “keep going” when I started to slow down. Bilbo just stared, wide-eyed and entranced with the “way cool” neon green hand weights. Endless Pit was concerned. “Do you think you will ever get past level one? Just think how hard level THREE is! You’re doing good mom, this looks really hard.” Then I usually got an approving smile from Handsome, who kept his nose in the laptop…trying not to either a) say the wrong thing or b) stare at my compromising positions.
It was truly a family affair.
By the time I finished the DVD, I was a sweaty mess and decided to go outside and go on a walk to keep the burn working in my favor. I texted Pretty. “I’m going to vomit….from hence forth, no more sugar, more protein, more veggies and more water. Thank you for the wake- up call, this was AWESOME!!!” She responded, basically saying she was still on level one (thank God, even though I do not believe her) and reminded me she was just like me when she started out.
She’s pretty awesome.
So I guess this is my new dimension of “family” time, as all my men are encouraging mama to feel the burn and go the distance while Pretty is using her encouragement and humor to keep it fun and productive. Man child just bounded down the stairs and asked if I was going to do it again tomorrow. I kind of got a little embarrassed and blushed.
”Yeah, I am planning on it.” I giggled, a little uncomfortable at the thought of going back for a 20 minute visit to Torcher Town.
He walked up to me and gave me a hug, kissed me on top of my head and walked away.
Motivation is a very sweet and beautiful thing.
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